The FIKS bike network of Zeeland


Our province-wide bike network, FIKS, will get you to the right place, along the right routes, at the right time. You can either follow the paths on the outer dikes or take the lee side, where the dikes provide shelter. You go through the towns and villages of Zeeland. and you decide how long you’ll be on your bike. It’s up to you.
Just so you know, the name FIKS comes from ‘fietsknooppuntensysteem', meaning bike hub system. Also known as ‘Fietsnetwerk Zeeland’, literally the bike network of Zeeland. Plan your route here via the route planner.
Fietsen op de dijk in Noord-Beveland

Got your number?

Every FIKS hub is numbered. That is how you easily plan your bycicle tour through hubs. Remember the numbers, write them down on a piece of paper or a special bycicle label and you are ready to go. The signs on the road do the rest.

Sign here

All FIKS bikeways and paths have distinct signage: white signs with green lettering. At every fork and exit, signs show an arrow and the number of the hub to which you are heading. Signage is bi-directional, so it works whichever way your chosen route goes.


FIKS Zeeland is shown on three maps:

Zeeland Noord: cycling on Schouwen-Duiveland, Goeree-Overflakkee and Sint Philipsland
Zeeland Midden: cycling on Walcheren, North- and South Bevelanden and Tholen
Zeeland Zuid: cycling in Zeeland-Flanders


Oh yes, we do wind, but we have ways of dealing with it. At some places while you’re out cycling in Zeeland, you have a choice of going ‘in the wind’, or ‘out of the wind’, in the lee of the wind. The FIKS signs show this with a weathervane symbol. If you opt for ‘in the wind’, you’ll follow a path outside the dike, and ‘out of the wind’ goes on a path in the lee of the dike.

Routebureau Zeeland

At Zeeland Routebureau, we work hard to keep FIKS up-to-date and accessible. Seen a mistake? Got a suggestion? Please give us your feedback on the clarity, state-of-repair or absence of signs at the Routebureau Zeeland Hotline. You can write in English on the Dutch online form!

One of the best-rated cycling provinces

Zeeland has been nominated by the Dutch national cycle platform as one of the best-rated cycling provinces in the Netherlands. And that’s something we can be truly proud of! The quality of the cycling network, its maintenance, the access to route information, and the many bike cafés along the routes were decisive in this rating.

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