Hidden gems in Zeeland
The weather in Zeeland
What’s the weather forecast for Zeeland this week? You can monitor the current weather, and look five days ahead. Key word here is ‘weer’ for weather – and we are the sunniest province in the land!
5-day weather forecast
Use the Zeelandnet Weer app
Current weather and forecast on your smartphone
The Zeeland Weer app (Android and iOS) shows today’s weather, and forecasts for 5 to 14 days, with maps. It features the ‘buienradar’ (precipitation), wind strength and directions for 8 spots in Zeeland, and the times of the tides, and sunrise and sunset. Set your device to EN and it will typically flip into English meteo speak. A few mission-critical words:
(volop) zonnig = (full) sun
vanochtend / vandaag = morning / day
vanavond / vannacht = evening / night
meest droog = mostly dry
nat = wet / regen = rain